Daily Routine

​​​First Bell 8:40
Lunch 10:45 -11:25amFaith Hope Love.jpg
Afternoon Tea 1:30 – 1:50pm
End of Day 3:00pm

Office hours: 8.00 – 3.30pm

As part of our Duty of Care playground supervision begins at 8.20am each morning. It should only be on rare occasions that children arrive at school prior to this, in which case they are required to sit quietly in the main quad area. If early arrival occurs more than occasionally, families are asked to engage with formal Outside School Hours Care which is available on site. Supervision is also provided between 3.00pm – 3.20pm each afternoon in ​the Stop Drop and Go Zone on Chaprowe Road.

If children arrive at school after the 8:40am bell they are to be accompanied by their parent/carer to the office to be signed in using the ALLE Receipting system. A Late Slip will be issued to the student and this is presented to the teacher upon arrival in the classroom.. ​

No child is allowed to leave the school grounds unaccompanied during the school day. A child may be released from school to their parents or to authorised adults. Children must be signed out at the office before leaving the grounds using the same ALLE Receipting process.

When a child is absent, notification to the school is to be made via the BCE Connect app. These notifications are forwarded onto the classroom teacher. The BCE Connect app is available for download from both Apple and Google app stores. 

Class attendance rolls are marked electronically at the beginning and end of the day. By legislation, should a child be absent from school, documentation is required from the parent or carer to explain the absence. Notification to the school via the BCE Connect app, is sufficient documentation for an absence.​

​​©  Brisbane Catholic Education, St Peter Chanel Primary School  (2023)