
​​​​Catholic schools need to charge fees and levies to cover the recurrent and capital costs related to the provision of high quality, inclusive Catholic education. The school determines fees in accordance with the recommendations of Brisbane Catholic Education and in consultation with the School Board, to ensure that the financial commitments and operating costs of the school are met. It is a matter of justice to all that every family makes a fair contribution to the financial operation of our school. Balancing the needs and financial commitments of the school with the social justice principles of access and equity for all is our priority.

In 2023, the Parents and Friends Levy of $27.50/term is to provide the finance for many extra facilities around the school, which cannot be funded from general school fees. Many of the learning resources, computer hardware and software, sporting facilities, audio-visual materials and library resources have been provided from funds raised by the Parents and Friends Association. The Levy is a major source of their fundraising each year.   

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For parents and carers who have received an offer of place at St Peter Chanel and who would like to pay the Confirmation of Enrolment fee via credit card, please click the link below.
