
For the early morning risers, Tennis for Kids offer before school tennis coaching lessons on the St Peter Chanel tennis courts. TennisTennis for Kids.png for Kids, Brisbane’s premier tennis coaching program for children, is a vibrant and innovative company specialising in delivering tennis coaching and junior fixture programs. 

The ANZ Hot Shots Framework, a Tennis Australia program​, is used to help children have fun and experience success sooner. The program utilises tailored equipment, including smaller courts, racquets and low-compression tennis balls, ensuring children are introduced to tennis in an environment that is suited to their age and skill level.

Tennis lessons teach hand-eye coordination, total motor control, ball tracking and striking skills, all the while building balance, foot speed, strength, fitness, agility and flexibility. In children, tennis hones important strategic and problem solving skills while also fostering a strong work ethic, discipline and sense of sportsmanship. Doubles play and tennis team events (such as interschool tennis) teach children important social skills and teamwork.

Lessons are held on Tuesday ​and Wednesday mornings from 7.30am - 8.30am. For more information visit the Tennis for Kids website, phone them on 3511 0445 or send them a quick email at

​With thanks to Tennis for Kids for th​e use of their logo.