Chess - The Clever Sport
Learning Chess from as young as 3 years of age has been shown to improve a child's performance at school by nearly 20% compared
to children who have not learned.
Chess classes enhance reading, memory, language and mathematical abilities as well as fostering critical, creative and original thinking. Chess helps your child improve their attention span, develop emotional intelligence, make friends and have fun, all at the same time.
Chess Mates' classes are about learning, not just about games of chess. Winning isn't the focus. as learning about winning and losing in a supportive environment helps children to deal with both situations emotionally. The focus is on having fun and making new friends.
Chess Mates' classes are held on Thursday mornings from 7.45am - 8.30am. More information can be found by visiting the Chess Mates' website, by emailing them at or by phoning on 1300 chess mates.
With thanks to Chess Mates for the use of their logo.